Wednesday, July 8, 2009

It's What You Do In Life That Makes A Difference

Everything that you do every day in life counts for something. You may open a door for an elderly person, maybe give a dollar to a homeless person, say thank you and make someones day, pray for someone who is ill, etc. I am sure you get the point. It doesn't matter what you do or where you do it, it just matters that you do something. It means a great deal to someone to reach out and help.

So if you can make someones day, make them smile or compliment them in some way then you can change your life by becoming kind and going out of your way and doing something you usually do not do. It will make your day as well.

Go In Peace,
Bob Judd

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Who I Am Makes A Difference (Video)

I just wanted to share with everyone this video as it was shared with me. We don't stop to think about others sometimes and we should. We could all make a difference in someone elses lives if we would take more time to do it. It is scary what can happen in just a few seconds of our lives and how it can be changed forever. Please use this video to share with someone who you know can make a difference too.

Thank You,
Bob Judd